Windsor Memorial Tiles – Applications closing soon

Time is running out for people who worked at the Windsor Colliery in Abertridwr to have their name on a tile surrounding the new Windsor Memorial, as applications close on 30th March 2023.

If you worked at Windsor Colliery in Abertridwr, and would like to have your name added to a tile which will be laid within the fence at the memorial, please contact Aber Valley Heritage Group on 029 2083 0445 or email The cost will be £100 per sponsor. Closing date 30th March 2023.

Alternatively, you can download & print the Application form here, and send completed with cheque for £100 made payable to Aber Valley Heritage Group to: Aber Valley Heritage Group, c/o Senghenydd Community Centre, Gwern Avenue, Senghenydd CF83 4HA before 30th March 2023